Monday, October 1, 2012

Electronic Cigarettes Are A Healthy Option For The Smokers

No one is aware with the electronic cigarettes, as it is the new invention. It is a smokeless option for the smoker, who cannot quit smoking but want to live a healthy life as well. Electronic cigarettes look like the traditional cigarettes and the taste is more or less same. There is no actual burning of tobacco, rather nicotine and propylene glycol are burned and a sent is used, which generate tobacco like taste. It means, a smoker will be getting flavor of nicotine, but no harmful and cancer causing components will be inhaled. 

In traditional cigarettes, many harmful components are used, like tar, different harmful additives, glue and a large number of hydrocarbons. Moreover, traditional cigarettes are legally banned in various countries, but electronic cigarette are legal and we can smoke them anywhere. They are allowed in bars, restaurants, airplanes and even on other work places. In case of this cigarette, there will be no second hand smokers. Smoker can satisfy their craving of tobacco, without actually inhaling it. 

Electronic cigarette are available in various flavors, like menthol, apple and strawberry. Similarly, you can get the nicotine in different concentrations like full, medium and light. As we mentioned earlier, the smoker releases water vapors instead of dangerous vapors, which makes it a healthy option. There are different other things too, which makes electronic cigarettes a healthier option. This type of cigarette can help the smoker to quit smoking, as smoker can slowly reduce the concentration of smoking and finally quit it.
Many scientists are agree with the health benefits or at least harmless benefits of these cigarettes, but as it is the new invention, so a lot of study is required yet. However, everyone is agreed that these cigarettes are harmless for the smokers and the surrounding environment.

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